Socially and Emotionally Healthy & Safe

Young people:

1. Have a significant attachment to a nurturing adult

 % of children ages 0-5 living in low-income families whose parents have completed a research-based parent education program
 with a mentor for at least 9 months
 in foster care

2. Avoid risky behaviors

 tobacco (% of students that report using tobacco daily on AISD student surveys)
 alcohol (% of students that report using alcohol several times a month on AISD student surveys)
 marijuana (% of students that report using marijuana daily on AISD student surveys)
 inhalants (% of students that report using inhalants several times a month on AISD student surveys)
 sexually transmitted infections

3. Have good mental health and are emotionally resilient

 with problems requiring counseling who received mental health care
 sad, unhappy, depressed, or stressed (% of students reporting that their ability to cope with stress or negative emotions is poor or very poor on AISD student surveys)

4. Respect diversity and demonstrate empathy and pro-social behaviors

 bullying (percentage of AISD students who report being bullied at school)
 teen dating violence (percentage of AISD students who report experiencing hurtful or controlling dating behavior)
  disciplinary actions resulting in classroom removals
 juvenile arrest rate
 reporting respect for diversity (Average Rating, 1 to 4, “My classmates show respect to other students who are different than they are” on AISD student surveys)